Day 1 :
- Nursing Education | Advanced Practice Nurse | Telemedicine and e-health | Qualitative Nursing Research | Nursing Research
Location: Meeting Room
Session Introduction
Jessie Desir
University of Miami, USA
Title: Hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative mBC A brief overview of disease management from a nursing perspective
Jessie Desir has completed her Master of Science in Nursing education from SUNY-Stony Brook, New York. She has completed her candidacy, pursuing her Ph.D. at Barry University in Miami, Florida. Ms. Desir has a recent publication in the Journal of Advanced Nursing from December 2021. She is the clinical oncology nurse educator for Amplity health, providing services for Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation following an oncology educator experience from the University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami, Florida. There, she served in the professional development department, providing oncology education to new staff hire, university podium lectures, membership in journal club during her service to the outpatient clinical centers. Ms. Desir is the Miami-Dade Oncology Nursing Society (MDONS) Community Chapter’s President-Elect of Miami, FL. As a board member of the MDONS chapter, Ms. Desir serves as a nursing leader to promote nursing networking opportunities, encourage oncology nursing educational programs, and support volunteer services to the nursing oncology community.
Breast cancer (BC) represents the most frequent cancer in women and the second cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in the United States, and its incidence rates cannot go unrecognized, especially in younger women. The human immune cells play a dual role during cancer onset and progression, contributing to tumor escape. The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed and staged, the better the chance of surviving five years after being diagnosed. BC progression is a complex process controlled by receptors that coordinate the control of tumor cells growth. Breast cancer subtypes differ in presentation, response to treatment, and outcomes. Identifying the breast cancer stage, pathology, subtype, and mutational status informs treatment options. The determination of breast cancer staging confirms the extent of the disease. The treatment strategy is to understand and know the stage, pathology, receptor status, and mutational status. Hormone receptor-positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative (HER2-) is the most common breast cancer subtype accounting for nearly 70% of breast cancers. This presentation aims to provide a brief overview of HR+/HER2- disease management from a nursing perspective in patient management.
- Advanced Practice Nurse
Location: Barcelona
Session Introduction
Katrin Blanck-Köster
University Witten/Herdecke
Title: Clinical Leadership Competencies in Advanced Nursing Practice
Time : 12:50 - 13:10

Katrin Blanck-Köster works as a research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany, and is completing her doctorate on Clinical Leadership in Advanced Nursing Practice at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Department of Nursing Science, Witten/Herdecke, Germany. Based on her review, KBK has developed a model of Clinical Leadership competencies. In her qualitative research, she uses ethnography to describe and interpret everyday social practices of advanced practice nurses in German hospitals in a temporal spatial context. Part of her qualitative ethnographic study is field research with participant observation and ero-epic interviews (Girtler, 2001). Implementing new nursing roles with broadened and deepened competencies together with hospitals, accompanying them scientifically and evaluating them, remains a committed challenge for her, which she also accompanies politically!
Problem Statement: In 2030, 37% (28.5 million) of the population in Germany will be 60 years and older. With increasing age, the need for nursing and health care services also increases. The health care professions must deal with this need for care and design adequate and needs-based care processes. Based on international concepts, this requires the development of innovative, responsible roles in nursing, supported by the concept of Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP). In Germany, nursing experts based on Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) have been trained at universities since 2007 (M.Sc.). Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) have special competencies in a specific area of direct clinical patient care and support and empower both health professionals and patients and their families. In this context, clinical leadership by ANPs plays an important role, challenging existing management structures and requiring a redistribution of tasks. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how clinical leadership is represented in the international development process of Advanced Nursing Practice. Methods: literature search in electronic databases, library catalogs, hand search (April 2019-January 2020). Methods: Scoping Review. Findings: Defining Advanced Practice Nurses under a clear term still seems to be difficult and there is a lack of legal regulations in Germany. Although there are differences in countries' care structures, degree of academization, and professionalization of nurses, advanced practice nurses in an international context can be associated with the role of an expert, consultant, clinical leader, and researcher for clinical care areas with specialized competencies. Clinical leadership competencies are gaining attention in international studies and can be described and made visible in clinical practice based on leadership models, the APN role, and leadership domains. For clinical leadership competencies to be effective in nursing processes, there needs to be broad support in the interprofessional team, structural support from the organization, and legal legitimacy. Internationally, there are successful examples that implement interprofessional care with partnership-based sharing of health care between different professional groups. Clinical leadership competencies are reflected in the studies in that APNs independently manage treatment processes in complex care settings, influence, develop and implement change strategies, consult/coach/educate, collaborate, and liaise with management. Conclusion and Significance: Leadership is understood to be context-specific and must be considered in personal, professional, and organizational contexts. Organizations must define the need for expanded, deepened, and specialized nursing practice and invest in new roles. Recommendation: More studies describing clinical leadership and its effectiveness in hospitals are needed in the future
- Qualitative Nursing Research
Location: Barcelona
Session Introduction
Raeda AbuAlRub
Jordan Unviersity of Science and Technology
Title: Perceived benefits and barriers of implementing nursing residency programs in Jordan
Raeda AbuAlRub Jordan Unviersity of Science and Technology, To explore the challenges that face Jordanian nurses in the first year of employment; and understand the benefits and barriers of implementing a Nursing Residency Program from the perspectives of nurses and key informants.
The findings asserted that the implementation of the Nursing Residency Program for new practicing nurses would enhance their competencies and self- confidence; and decrease the rate of reality shock and turnover within the first year of employment. Implications for nursing and health policy: Policy makers, nurse educators, and nurse administrators and clinical nurses need to collaborate to develop a formal system with binding policies and regulations concerning the implementation of Nursing Residency Program. There is also a need to address and modify current orientation programmes offered by hospitals for novice nurses to enhance their transition into clinical practice
- Advanced Nursing
Location: Barcelona
Session Introduction
El Aoufy Khadija
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Title: Rheumatic patients’ perspective after the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic and nurses’ role in telemedicine follow up

Khadija El Aoufy is a junior researcher with an expertise in assessment/evaluation of the quality of life, health and wellbeing of people who struggle with Rheumatic Diseases. At the moment, the main project she is leading, deals with new nursing model to implement in the daily practice. She is member of 2 EULAR task forces (Rheumatoid Arthritis & Systemic Sclerosis), Chair of the session on wound care which will take place in the next EULAR congress (June 2022). Her dedication and passion is dedicated to research questions which are important to patients and patient care – nursing interventions need to be grounded in research evidence to ensure the care we provide is of the highest quality.
Background: The ongoing pandemic has caused health problems in people's daily lives and patients affected by Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs) have experienced a flare of their condition and psychological problems. Thus, an observational study was designed to investigate how the lockdown and the social quality changes have impacted the life and the health status of these patients, as well as telemedicine’s utility and the patients’ perception about it. Results: 40 patients prevalently women (97.5%) were included in the survey and 72% of them reported cancellation or delays in scheduled appointments, and 50% of them did not have alternative contacts (telephone consultations, e-mail prescriptions, telematics training) with the hospital, during the first wave of the pandemic. Also, 40.5% of patients reported difficulty in finding DMARDs and material for the treatment of ulcers, 28.2% reported difficulties in accessing the healthcare facilities with 34.2% of total closure. Patients developed an increased anxiety concerning the management of their disease and an increased stress within the family. In 57% of patients, a worsening of the health status was reported, while in 90% stress and a feeling of abandonment was developed since the beginning of the pandemic. In this context, telemedicine was considered valuable by 97.5% of patients, yet an improvement is still required to integrate it with the regular follow ups.
Conclusions: Patients with RMDs reported that the significant delays or cancellation of the outpatient visits provoked an increase of stress, worry and anxiety for their health status. The worsening of symptoms in more than half of the patients was the most worrisome observation. Almost all patients agreed that nursing follow up through Telemedicine might help the clinical evaluation of their condition, also providing a significant support to their psychological condition because of the direct contact with the caring physician and health professionals.
- Telemedicine and e-health
Location: Barcelona
Session Introduction
Anurag Sinha
Amity University Jharkhand, India
Title: Application of IoMT, telemedicine, explainable AI, Deep learning based tools for medical procedure enhancement and combating pandemic Covid-19 in India- A case study from India focusing remote delivery of Pandemic essentials, significance of latest technology in managing medical problems during pandemic in India
Anurag sinha is pursuing masters in computer science he has completed his graduation in computer science in 220 from Amity University Jharkhand. He has written plenty of research papers and presented in international conferences, Scopus journal and book chapters. His area of research are machine learning , deep learning, Iot, network security. He is regular peer reviewer of APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE JOURNAL, TAYLOR ND FRANCIS.
Digital health and tale medicine became predominant during covid9 for combating its challenges on daily basis. Telemedicine is emerging as a boon for new era strategy Oriented tool for dealing with medical concern. The outbreak of covid 19 was a public health emergency which took a long period complete shutdown. In India the first phase and second phase of covid 19 left out different impact on the society. In this presentation i have dragged multiple instances of case study from India in combating pandemic through latest technology and Remote delivery of pandemic essential in a nutshell. In several parts of India like Telangana Drone technology was introduced to provide the health care services and Medicine at remote rural areas. Similarly how digital technology and cloud based application helped in oxygen cylinder tracking and vaccination campaign these all case study is discussed in this lecture. At last I am going to discuss how inclusion of IoMT and artificial intelligence can boosted these diverse timeframe of covid 19 in India. Ubiquitous computing is said to be computing framework which is versatile and seamless in terms cognitive nature and efficiency. With rise in explainable artificial intelligence system in healthcare as well as in industry are getting smarter in terms of result efficiency and proximity with the query raised. Internet of things is gaining popularity so rapidly that the day is not so far when it will be known as internet of everything. Internet of things is being applied in healthcare for multi dimensional application such patient monitoring, automation in equipments, being used as wireless body sensors network which is called as HIoT. Healthcare application of IoT creates more cognitive factors for human computer interaction, thus in this chapter we are presenting various application area of IoMT in healthcare and wireless body sensor network to present the significance of IoMT. Also we have given a detailed survey of how Iomt technique being advanced and widely used in healthcare across the globel with amalgamation big data in healthcare sector. —The combination of computing and electronics made it one of the best technologies. It is evolving in the form of the Internet of Things (IoT). Among the many applications activated by the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected health services are particularly important. Impact of IOT,It is still in its infancy, but medical assistance is important. Network sensor, worn It allows the collection of rich information integrated in the body or in our living environment Of our physical and mental health. In this white paper, we'll take a look at and understand custom IoT applications we provide excellent medical services at low cost. What is IoT and how methods used with wireless and sensing technologies to achieve desired functionality medical applications? Here we have highlighted the opportunities and challenges of IOT in realizing our vision. The future of health care. Sensors, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent information processing technologies are widely used in the Body Sensor Network (BSN), which is one of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). BSN is playing an increasingly important role in healthcare, social work and sport and is changing the way humans use computers. Existing investigations have focused on BSN concept and architecture, signal acquisition, context sensing, and systems technology, and this white paper will focus on sensors, data fusion, and network communication. It also presents the current state of research, hot spot analysis and future development trends of BSN and a discussion of the main challenges and technical issues currently encountered. Typical research projects and practical applications of BSN are also presented. BSN is moving in the direction of integration and multitechnology intelligence. There are still many problems, but the future of BSN is bright in nature, radically changing the relationship between man and machine and improving the quality of people's lives.