Bjöörn Fossum
Sophiahemmet University College
Dr. Bjöörn Fossum is a pediatric nurse and holds a PhD from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Since 2013 he is professor in nursing sciences at Sophiahemmet university, and senior researcher at Karolinska Institutet, Department for clinical science and education Södersjukhuset.
Research Interest
He has conducted scientific work in communication in the health care system, as well as supervised several PhD-students in areas like: person centredness; early detection of pressure ulcers; being infected with MRSA; the team of palliative care; interprofessional training; experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease; pedagogical interventions; communication on blogs regarding infertility, the experience of home care after allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; experiences of family members to older adults who have developed neuropsychiatric symptoms, and nursing communication with persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, among others. He is an editor of a text book in Swedish about Communication in the health care system, the third edition is coming during 2018 and one chapter is about complaints in health care.